Startup Business Law

06 Jan 2012

Business law is complicated. Hire a startup lawyer, not a computer.

Startup business law is complicated, but LegalZoom or the DVD you bought at the local computer store only provide you basic business forms. This isn’t enough for most businesses.

Intellectual property assignment agreements are necessary for any technology company. Independent contractor agreements need to include language that protects your trade secrets. Noncompete agreements that courts will find valid prevent key employees from leaving and setting up a competitor using the know-how you gave them.

Don’t settle for the bare minimum when it comes to the legal documents for your business! Startup business law is complicated, so hire a startup lawyer who focuses on startup business law, not a computer.

Our startup business packages include these additional documents. Learn more about these packages from the chart below. You can call us today to set up an appointment to meet with an attorney.

Accountants are important, but they can’t help you with startup business law.

Your accountant might be able and willing to form an LLC or Corporation for you.  They can’t, however, advise you on the startup business law you need to know.

Should there be a shareholder agreement? A stock purchase agreement? Intellectual property asset transfer agreement? They cannot, and should not, advise you on these because they’re not lawyers—they’re accountants.

Accountants are important, but their focus is tax. Lawyers look at the legal issues.

Startup lawyers take this further by looking at the bigger picture. Are you looking to seek outside investing in the future? Are you positioning your company for acquisition from a competitor? If so, then you need to ensure you have your books in order, you have your assets tied down, and your agreements are the kind investors or acquirers will be expecting. You also need to have the right type of legal entity.

Because startup business law is complicated, you need more than an accountant when you start your company. You need a startup lawyer—someone who does more than dabble in the in startup business law.

Learn more about our different startup business packages from the chart below. You can also call us today to set up an appointment to meet with an attorney.

The local attorney who dabbles in startup business law might miss important steps.

Does your company need a shareholder agreement? (The answer is usually yes.) Do you have a stockholder purchase agreement? Have you been provided 83(b) election forms? Do the founders of the company have vesting rights in the company’s equity? Should they?

Startup business law is complicated, but many attorneys form businesses as a side to their main legal practice. The result is that they, like LegalZoom, do the bare minimum required.

Don’t settle for the bare minimum!

Get your business formed correctly from the start! Hire a startup lawyer—someone who focuses on startup business law, not someone who just dabbles in it.

Learn more about our different startup business packages below. You can also call us today to set up an appointment to meet with an attorney.


Startup Formation Packages

Single Member LLC


Basic, single member Limited Liability Company

Free 30 Minute Initial Consultation Speak with an attorney over the phone or face-to-face to review your options and evaluate your needs.
Flexible Payment Plans Pay up front or over time to meet your budgetary needs.
Articles of Organization Single member articles of organization.
Operating Agreement Basic single-member operating agreement.
IRS Federal Employer Identification Number We apply for your EIN. EINs are often required to open a bank account in the company's name.
IRS Entity Classification Election (Form 8832) We file this with the IRS on you behalf.
LLC Operations Memo A memo outlining how to manage and run your LLC in a way that limits your personal liabilities and protects your company's assets.
1 Legal Conference One 1-hour legal conference to review your new legal entity and go over the LLC Operations Memo and any other questions you may have.

Single Founder S-Corp


Basic, single-founder S-Corp

Free 30 Minute Initial Consultation Speak with an attorney over the phone or face-to-face to review your options and evaluate your needs.
Flexible Payment Plans Pay up front or over time to meet your budgetary needs.
Articles of Incorporation Single founder articles of incorporation.
By Laws Basic single-founder By Laws.
IRS Federal Employer Identification Number We apply for your EIN. EINs are often required to open a bank account in the company's name.
IRS Entity Classification Election (Form 8832) We file this with the IRS on you behalf.
S-Corp Operations Memo A memo outlining the requirements for running a corporation, the legal pitfalls facing corporate officers, the importance of complying with corporate rules, and the limits of S-Corporations.
1 Legal Conference One 1-hour legal conference to review your new legal entity and go over the S-Corp Operations Memo and any other questions you may have.

Multi-Member LLC


Up to 5 initial members; multi-member LLC

Free 30 Minute Initial Consultation Speak with an attorney over the phone or face-to-face to review your options and evaluate your needs.
Flexible Payment Plans Pay up front or over time to meet your budgetary needs.
Articles of Organization Multi-member articles of organization.
Operating Agreement Multi-member operating agreement.
IRS Federal Employer Identification Number We apply for your EIN. EINs are often required to open a bank account in the company's name.
IRS Entity Classification Election (Form 8832) We file this with the IRS on you behalf.
Multi-Member LLC Operations Memo A memo outlining the requirements of running a multi-member LLC, common pitfalls LLC management faces, how to protect members from personal liability, and how to protect LLC assets.
1 Legal Conference One 1-hour legal conference to review the LLC Operations Memo and review any other questions you may have.
Additional Members $200 Each Each additional member beyond the first 5 adds $200 each onto the cost of this package.

Multi-Founder Corporation


Up to 5 initial founders; multi-member Corporation

Free 30 Minute Initial Consultation Speak with an attorney over the phone or face-to-face to review your options and evaluate your needs.
Flexible Payment Plans Pay up front or over time to meet your budgetary needs.
Articles of Incorporation Multi-founder Articles of Incorporation
By Laws Multi-founder By Laws.
IRS Federal Employer Identification Number We apply for your EIN. EINs are often required to open a bank account in the company's name.
IRS Entity Classification Election (Form 8832) We file this with the IRS on you behalf.
Multi-founder Corp Operations Memo A memo outlining the requirements for running a multi-founder Corporation, the limits of multi-founder corporations, and ways to avoid the common pitfalls facing multi-founder corporations.
1 Legal Conference One 1-hour legal conference to review the common pitfalls facing multi-founder corporations, the limits and requirements of both S-Corps and C-Corps, and how to p
Additional Founders $400 Each Each additional founder beyond the first 5 adds $400 each onto the cost of this package.
Shareholder Agreement A shareholder agreement detailing the rights and duties of the founding shareholders.